Tudor Rose Meet and Greet Valet Parking at Gatwick

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Approved Operator Scheme at Gatwick Airport

Gatwick Airport Limited (GAL)commenced a consultation on its proposals for an Approved
Operator Scheme at Gatwick Airport in February 2013. The proposals were set out in a document
entitled Consultation Paper for Approved Operator Scheme at Gatwick Airport (the Initial
Proposals).The consultation exercise invited comment from all stakeholders, including all meet
and greet operators (MGOs)currently operating at Gatwick Airport.

Objectives of Scheme
As set out in the Initial Proposals the Scheme has three objectives, namely:
• to reduce forecourt congestion by limiting MGO operations to specific and controlled areas,
enabling effective enforcement of the forecourt ‘drop -off ’ only policy
• to ensure that operators using the airport ’s infrastructure comply with the ‘user pays ’ principle
• to afford recognition to the operations of MGOs at the airport that meet minimum customer
service standards, and to ensure that passengers can identify these operators.

Final Proposals for Approved operator scheme and membership criteria
Gatwick is proposing to establish an ‘Approved Operator ’ scheme, which will be open to all MGOs
• have the British Parking Association ParkMark award for all operational sites serving Gatwick
• attain Buy with Confidence accreditation from Trading Standards
• sign and operate within the terms of a licence agreement with the airport

The scheme has been developed by Gatwick Airport Limited in partnership with West Sussex
County Council and Surrey County Council Trading Standards and stakeholders from associations
of Meet and Greet operators at Gatwick.

Proposed charging structure
The charging structure has been put in place to offer flexibility for operators, and to balance the
expressed preference of MGOs to operate on the forecourt with the need to reduce forecourt
congestion. As such the charging structure explicitly aims to incentivise use of the MSCPs for both
drop-off and pick-up transactions.

Forecourt usage (drop-off only):
£4.00 per movement
Transactions on the forecourt are limited to a 5 minute period.

MSCP usage
£1.30 per movement (0-10 minutes)
£2.00 per movement (10-20 minutes)
Above 20 minutes the regular tariff applies
All charges are inclusive of VAT.
Operational process in the MSCPs

For drop-offs, the passenger takes a ticket on entry to MSCPs and hands it to the jockey driver.
After taking possession of the customer ’s car,t he jockey driver will insert the customer ’s ticket into
the pay on foot (POF) machine, and use the proximity card issued to them under the scheme as
form of payment. The jockey driver then has the standard 5 minutes to exit the car park.
For pick-ups, the jockey driver takes a ticket on entry back into the MSCP, returns the car to the
customer, the jockey driver then pays at the POF machine using the proximity card as form of
payment, then gives the passenger back the ticket for exit. The customer then has five minutes to
leave the MSCP.

All Valet Parking (Meet and Greet) contractors at Gatwick Airport are due to receive Approved or Non-Approved status for trading at Gatwick Airport.
For Approved Contractors certain criteria will have to be achieved. This will include the Safer Parking Award (ParkMark) from the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) and the Brittish Parking Association (BPA) and the Buy with Confidence Award from the Trading Standards Office.

Tudor Rose is proud to announce that they have acchieved both of these Awards and look forward to co-operating with Gatwick Airport within the Approved Operator Scheme.

Gatwick Airport is in the final stage of creating it's Approved Operator Scheme for Valet Parking Contractors. Implementation of the scheme is not known at this time. However, it is a apparent that from the date of implementation Airport Surface Access Charges will apply.