Tudor Rose Meet and Greet Valet Parking at Gatwick

Wednesday, 18 January 2012


17th January 2012.

Going on holiday is a great way to unwind from the thrills and spills of modern life. Many people travel abroad to get the relaxation they need. Gatwick Airport has over 42 million passengers a year and by far the majority of these are holiday makers.

There are many options available for getting to the airport. The easiest way is to get a relative or friend to drop you and collect you on your return. A taxi is the second option but here price has to be considered and compared to other options. Bus and rail are great and there are stations all over that will give you a link to the Airport. Public transport also help to reduce your carbon footprint compared to the motor car. However, if you have a family or heavy luggage, skis or other equipment, or if time is of the essence then clearly using your own car is the quickest option.

The majority of people use their own cars to get to the airport and it is not difficult to understand the reason why. It is your very own door to door service and subject to traffic conditions by far the most comfortable and efficient method.

Once you get to the Airport you have to put your valuable car somewhere that is safe and secure and you want it readily available for you on your return.

This is where I come in. I am Gatwick Car Parking and I am a service provider. I have looked at all the parking operations at Gatwick Airport and I want to make you aware of my company.

There are two types of parking.

1. Park and Ride. You drive to the car park and transfer your family and luggage onto a bus or coach. The operator will take your keys and park it for you. On your return from holiday you come out of the terminal, go to a pick up point and wait for the bus.

2. Meet and Greet or Valet Parking. You drive direct to the terminal. The parking company will meet and greet you, check in your vehicle and you are free to walk straight into the terminal. The parking company then takes your valuable car to a nearby compound.

It is not difficult to see which of the above two services is the better one!

Ah yes – you may say. But what happens to my car when I pass it over?

You are absolutely right in what you are thinking. You have heard some things about rogue parking operators in the press and on TV and you think ‘I don’t trust anyone’. I’ll stick to the ‘park & ride’, at least I know where my car is and I’ve been using park and ride for years. I’ll put up with the inconvenience of having to move my entire luggage onto a bus and the waiting time.

Well, I would like to tell you about our company. We’ve been at Gatwick Airport in the parking business for 20 years. June 1992 to be exact. Starting up a business then was hard but we had this idea of offering our Customers something special when it came to looking after their car and a quick route to check-in.

We took Valet Parking, which had already established itself in the USA as an expensive luxury and turned it into ‘Meet and Greet’. Critically however, we retained the luxury bit and got rid of the expensive label.

Over the years we have constantly worked on developing new ways of easing the headache of parking for our Customers in ensuring ‘peace of mind’ and confidence in our service.

We have literally invested all our profits in providing safe and secure facilities close to Gatwick. Company livery, uniforms, IDs and a Customer Care Policy that is second to none. We have continued to build our brand year on year to ensure we are always one step ahead of our competitors. We have retained those old family values but with a professional service.

We offer two types of parking service at Gatwick as shown above. The ‘park and ride’ and the ‘meet and greet’. The exception is that both services are unique to Gatwick. Both are designed around a one-to-one service so you are not waiting around for fellow passengers or buses.

Why not take a look for yourself and see the difference to other operators. I promise you – you will like what you see – and even better, you will see what you like.